St John’s Land of Legends come to life in unique 303 MullenLowe Perth project

St John WA and 303 MullenLowe Perth have ventured outside of the traditional walls of advertising to tell the brave stories of St John paramedics, staff and volunteers – and highlight the joy of giving back – in a new children’s book.
Entitled ‘Land of Legends’, the locally-made 100-page book is filled with 20 true stories of adventure, love, loss, friendship, laughter, and heartbreak experienced by St John paramedics, staff and volunteers over many years.
Created by 303 MullenLowe Perth, the concept of the book was to educate and inspire people both within and outside the organisation about the different ways in which St John makes WA communities stronger. It is being promoted by Hunter Communications through a state-wide media and community engagement campaign, which has included Premier’s Reading Challenge endorsement and a partnership with Perth Children’s Hospital.
“St John wanted to show the pride paramedics, staff and volunteers feel in undertaking their important work. In doing so, they hope to attract more people to join their organisation, particularly reigniting the flame of volunteerism – something vital to St John’s operations across the vast state of WA. We knew we could inspire people with the real-life stories that St John personnel had in spades, so instead of developing a campaign, we set about capturing their tales of adventure in a different and compelling way that would engage people across multiple generations, and particularly children,” explained 303 MullenLowe’s Planning Director Smiljka Dimitrijevic.
“What we discovered along the way is that St John paramedics, staff and volunteers may actually be some of the most daring and adventurous among us. Their real lives are the stuff of mythology, so we created an epic story book chronicle to inspire the next generation of helpers, while helping them imagine their place in the future of WA. These are stories of big lives that give back, in a land of people who give back – a Land of Legends,” she said.
Each of the 20 stories have been brought to life by local author Deb Fitzpatrick, with 13 WA illustrators also used to create inspiring images to accompany each tale. 5000 books have now been printed, with copies also available online for purchase.
Perth-based Hunter Communications developed a comprehensive communications strategy to launch the unique publication and raise community awareness and engagement. A launch event leveraged the highly regarded Premier’s Reading Challenge: Festival of Words, to promote the book and incorporated a Wiggles ambulance activation to appeal to the key target audience.
Book reading events were organised across WA to promote the book and raise awareness about the outstanding contribution St John WA makes to the WA community. Most recently, this has included a very well-attended activation at the State Library of WA where author Deb Fitzpatrick read from the book to young attendees while 303 MullenLowe’s Executive Creative Director Richard Berney illustrated live on site.
Online readings have also been published, including one with children’s entertainment icon Anthony ‘the blue Wiggle’ on YouTube Land of Legends | Book Reading with Anthony | St John WA | The Wiggles – YouTube.
Hunter Communications Senior Account Manager Mel Newcombe said: “Land of Legends tells the inspirational and heroic stories of paramedics, staff and volunteers from all over WA, so it was critical the communicatons strategy was designed to reach all corners of the State. With tales recounting some of the most vulnerable, human moments experienced and life saving missions against all odds, the strategy ensured the stories and their protaganists were the heroes in all promotional activity.”
St John Chief Brand and Reputation Officer, Aaron Crowther said: “Creating this book provides a lasting and meaningful way of recognising the incredible work St John staff and volunteers undertake every day. It gives staff and volunteers a special way to talk to their kids and grandkids about what goes on when they’re at work, and reinforce what it means to give to community. Importantly, it also provides a way for the public to understand that helping people takes many moving parts – from the by-stander and the call centre, to ambulance personnel both on the road and in the RAC Rescue helicopter, to our first aid team including trainers and even those who maintain the vehicles and equipment . These stories come from the heart.”
St John donated 400 copies of Land of Legends to School of Special Educational Needs: Medical and Mental Health, PCH Foundation and Radio Lollipop for the children of Perth Children’s Hospital. Proceeds from sale of the books will go to St John Giving, St John’s fundraising arm, which supports a range of charitable activities designed to build safer, more resilient communities throughout the state.
For more information on the book and its inspiring stories, visit Home – Land of Legends
Client – St John
Chief of Brand and Reputation – Aaron Crowther
Head of Community Engagement – Chris Blake
Head of Brand – Peta Rule
Internal Communications Team Leader – Hannah Cocivera
Community Engagement Specialist – Natalie Jolley
Agency – 303 MullenLowe
Executive Creative Director – Richard Berney
Art Director – Stephen Hansen
Senior Copywriter – Maya Halilovic
Head of Design – Alby Furfaro
Head of Art / Lead Designer – Andrew Allingham
Finished Artist – Suzanne Whoston
Senior Business Director – Holly Creasey
Business Director / Producer – Eloise Cribb
Planning Director – Smiljka Dimitrijevic
Joint Managing Directors – Rene Migliore and Todd Baker
Business Manager – Ashleigh Glenister
Hunter Communications
Senior Account Manager: Mel Newcombe
Senior PR Associate: Bella Scatturo
PR Associate: Elli Swanson
Author – Deborah Fitzpatrick
Illustrators; Andrew Allingham, Jaz Baker, Kelly Canby, Nina Dakin, Jennifer Faulkner, Andrew Frazer, Rebecca Mills, Jilalga Murray, Jake Ransom, Briony Stewart, Noelle Tsai, Sofia Varano and Matt Wong.
Printing Partner – Scott Print
Print Producer – Sonia Breen